
  • Blood Supplies are Critically Low!
    Blood reserves are critically low. The Taiwan Blood Services Foundation is partnering up with businesses and organizations to motivate and encourage people to donate, offering incentives such as free internet and tv service coupons, vouchers for meals and beverages, as well as snacks, goodies and prizes given on location at donation centers. Donation centers are …

    Blood Supplies are Critically Low! Read More »

  • Attending the 32nd Annual Symposium on English Language Teaching and Learning
    Today was the second and final day of the annual symposium organized by the ETA-ROC. I attended both days and found the presentations I attended both enjoyable, enlightening, and informative. Having met with numerous individuals, I gained opportunities for possible future collaborations of various scopes. Had I known about this organization several years ago, I …

    Attending the 32nd Annual Symposium on English Language Teaching and Learning Read More »

  • Translator plugin and social login now operable
    I know I said that I probably wouldn’t do any web development this weekend due to the holiday, but I managed to make some advancements anyway. I discovered that it was the WordPress theme (Blocksy) which was conflicting with the translators. I found a different theme (Astra) which works with the plugins being used, but …

    Translator plugin and social login now operable Read More »

  • Happy Moon Festival!
    I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Moon Festival celebration! I probably won’t be doing any development work on the website this weekend due to the holiday and visiting family and friends. My next objective for the website is to make it available in multiple languages, primarily Traditional Chinese, but so far all of the …

    Happy Moon Festival! Read More »

  • More development
    I’m chipping away at the tasks involved in getting this website in working order. I began integrating social networking login options so that participating throughout the site will be easier. Also, the forum is up, although more development is still to come. Some new pages have been included, and some updates and changes made. It’s …

    More development Read More »

  • Day 2 of Empower Taiwan!
    A brief announcement and introduction from the founder Hello everyone. My name is Stephen Warholak. Right now I am the sole developer of Empower Taiwan, so things will take some time to gain momentum, as I currently teach full time and am involved in many other projects. For the time being, I will have to …

    Day 2 of Empower Taiwan! Read More »

  • Hello!大家好!歡迎光臨.
    Welcome to Empower Taiwan. My goal is to develop this website into a community hub focused on bringing people together to collaborate, share innovative ideas, and collectively drive positive change in various sectors to enhance the well-being of our communities, strengthen industries, and boost the economy of Taiwan.
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